Have loved and have been Hurt..I'm sure all of us have gone through this phase.
Sometimes your at the receiving and the other times your a little lucky to be at the giving end. What I have learnt through these past couple of days is that no matter what you say, no matter what you do, no matter how deeply you love, if its not meant for you, it wont happen. Ya I may look like a coward to blame it on destiny, but is there much you can do after you have done it all?? You love, you lose, you sulk, you cry, you try, and finally you give up..not with the hope of getting that person back in your life, but with the hope that you never love someone else with that much intensity. Looking around me I feel like I have been living in the past.
Life has become so fast, that people find it no more difficult to move on. The other day we had a shoot with Kareena Kapoor for the cover and we had a surprise visitor yeah yeah you got it right it was Saif indeed. No doubt that both of them are too much in love with each other (that's what the picture says) but what surprises me is that both these have just recently split with their respective partners and within no span of time they are with someone else.
I mean how can you just forget the past and move so fast? Don't the memories haunt you? Don't the feelings count? Is it all about gratification, no matter where it comes from? Just because you start getting more TLC from someone else who is new in your life, you forget the old people who have been there for you and with you through thick and thin?
Where does our reasoning go? If someone is new, you are bound to get more attention from there but for how long, and is that temporary attention worth the relationships that are at stake? This colleague has been seeing this guy for the past 3 years and has feelings for someone else, who gives her more attention and showers her with the choicest compliments and blah, so she plans to dumb the old boy friend and go out with this New Guy. Heard this today morning and it stunned me beyond words. I mean if you say you "Love" someone, then how can you think of some third person just because you are spoken to in the nicest way, are words all that is required to take you away from the who probably might love you more but might not have the "right words" to sweep you off your feet for the moment?
I guess the trend is of fast moving relationships and instant Gratification right now which I have to get attuned to as the world is full of Tough people who don't let their hearts do the talking!!!