Thursday, March 13, 2008

The weirdness of life struck me the most yesterday.

my best friend got her visa application done yesterday and got a student visa valid till 2010, and I spoke to her as soon as she got it in her hand. Could hear the excitement in her voice or probably it was relief as she would have been in a mess if she wouldn't have got that Visa.

After talking to her I realised that I ain't happy for her, CZ now it meant that she wont be coming back, Knew it deep down that she ain't coming back, but, but, but still had a tinge of hope.
The whole feeling just made my heart sink and for a moment the "How sick can you be" thought crossed my mind as I was sulking instead of being happy for her.

Yeah I know its alright to feel like this to some extent, but the fact that sometimes you become so selfish and cant think beyond your happiness, surprises me. You try to smile through all of this just to make sure the other person doesn't misunderstand this feeling.

Some one's reason for celebration can be your reason to cry.
It feels weird!!!!


Pepper said...

Sorry for being so random, but please pics mail kar. Abhi!

flypside said...

yaya will be uploading them takes ages man to mail them..but dont worry it will be before the end of this year!!

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