Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tagged by Lunacy

Have had a bad beginning to the day, majorly goofed up in office yesterday,
so thought doing this tag by Miss Lunacy might just help...

Ten Things You Wish You Could Say To People Right Now (but cant/dont)
1) Wish I could give up on You
2) No I am not running a fortune 500 business, but I am still Busy
3) Get over with it
4) NO
5) Get a Life dude
6) You are Useless and that is what is making you so irritable
7) Stop Honking
8) Dont go back
9) I Love my life without You
10) NO (yeah i know i repeated it, for effect)

Nine Unknown Things About Yourself :
1) I hate people who suffer from Bad table Manners, Can't stand it when people eat and talk at the same time.
2) Have a Fetish for fingers ;)
(my post on this one got me random remarks and looks from everyone)
3) I love driving and would not mind dying in a car accident, loooowwwwee cars.
4) I Love my best friend with all my heart, can do anything for her :)
5) People who know it all, turn me on.
6) I add up the numbers on a number plate behind cars while travelling.
7) Its too difficult for me to ask someone to stop talking to me.
8) I want to go to London to work.
9) I love to see the surprised look on people's face.

Eight Ways To Win Your Heart
1) A long drive with good music.
2) Be thoughtful.
3) Listening to me without interrupting.
4) Make me laugh.
5) Gift me a good watch (yeah I am a little materialistic)
6) Beautiful eyes.
7) Be good at at least one Sport.
8) Work out in the gym with me.

Seven Things That Cross Your Mind A Lot
1) Will I ever make it Big
2) Marriage (no I don't want to get married that's why the thought crosses my mind often)
3) Ankita
4) Are you sure
5) I know you are lying
6) Will I ever own a Car of my own
7) What after this!!!!!!

Six Things You Regret
1) Not giving up on certain relationships
2) Giving up on certain relationships
3) Not clicking enough pictures when I was a Kid
4) Failing to take up Badminton as an alternate career
5) Not being focused
6) Time wasted in the 12Th standard

Five Turn-Off’s
1) Bad breath
2) Dirty Nails
3) Bad communication Skills
4) Lack of sense of Humour
5) Not brushing your teeth before going to Bed

Four Turn-On's
1) Knowledge
2) Driving Sense
3) Cute Smile
4) Eyes

Three Things You Want To Do Before You Die ( have written a post on this before but nonetheless)
1) Travel the world
2) Gift my Parents a House
3) Date a foreigner

Two Smileys that Describe You
;) :S

One Confession
I have no clue what I want to do in Life, I am not sorted at all contrary to popular belief.

I already feel better at the end of this, Now I better get Back to work.


Sahil Jatana said...

oh yeah! i know about it. i read your tag too! why do u think i offered to marry u :)

Pepper said...

Don't you have anything to say to people? you skipped my fav part..

flypside said...

yep it goes,,ask and you shall get it ;)

flypside said...

so when mamu??when you free??

h3lios said...

So people who know it all turn you on?

You must be visiting wikipedia a lot...

flypside said...

No I prefer the Walking Talking wikipedia ;)

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