Friday, February 26, 2010

Something's Just Don't Change

Doing my Majors in advertising meant having alot of guest lectures from industry experts. Inevitably all the speakers who would come to address us, share their experiences etc would start with the same line which is I Miss my College Days and wish we could exchange places. At that point sitting across the room as students we would envy these guys and think about why would they want to do something so stupid. Why would they want to give up on their jobs, salaries and all the fun and get back to the monotonous life of a student full of pressures, exams and studying. 2 years post my graduation, I know what made all these successful professionals envy us and want to trade roles.

A project with Barclays at my current Job involves going to the top 6 B schools across the country and have sessions with the students. The 1st session was with a renowned college in Ahmedabad and trust me all I wanted to do at that moment was to trade places with the bunch of students there. How I miss being a part of such boring lectures, making fun of the idiot who is addressing us and thinking he is making sense. I just couldn't stop myself from messaging my closest friends from college and telling them how much I miss them and the time spent together., and their replies too were on the same lines. Now all the friends are doing pretty well for themselves including yours truly.

I could relate to the bored students, how they just wanted to chit chat, copy for a case study which was meant to have individualistic opinions. The way they all were trying to copy and help each other was funny honestly. Post the session I chatted up with a couple of the students to get their feedback and it was funny how all of them wanted to get done with education and start working. I mean why, why, why would you want to get into this rat race and dirty politics, trying to yourself floating every single day. Why wouldn't you want to cherish every moment that you have with your friends, cause you never know who is where and doing what later on and if you are going to be the same (i know i sound cliched).

Now I know what they mean when they say "THE GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE"


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